Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 16: Body Adjustments to Nicotine Withdrawal

I wanted to remark that my dizziness has gone away.  I am not light headed at all - thank goodness.

My throat is really sore today and yesterday so not sure if it is from no smoking or if I am coming down with something.  I know I said that last week too.  I am hoping that this is my body cleaning itself out.  It is gratifying to know that it can do this.  I am doing my best to eat well, take vitamins and plenty of fluids still.

I am no longer exhausted.  I am neither full of energy.  I feel like I have evened out with the energy which is nice.  I am still drinking coffee in the afternoon, which is something I have always done.  This is a ten year habit.  I am thinking that needs to end soon.  The caffeine is not making me feel awake.  I am doing this for the warm cup, comfort factor so I wonder if I find a good flavored tea I could switch over.  I know a lot of tea has caffeine also but the coffee thing is bothering me.  It is a stimulant much like nicotine.

I am still walking.  Once again, always grateful to enjoy these sights in exchange for coffee and cigarettes on my deck.

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